September 01, 2004

"lovely rita, meter maid."

before i left for school, i galumphed about columbia, playing with my camera. check out the pictures here (along with some more new photos of my friend ashley's wedding).

intramural soccer should be interesting this semester. for some reason, there's a split in the teams. apparently some people can't get along with each other. or something like that. i don't really know. anyhow, we're in two teams now. but that's fine with me, because i'm just in it for the fun and exercise. i joined a pick-up game with some of the guys tonight behind the dorm, and it wore me out. but i could tell my endurance has improved since last year.

battle of the bands.
it's going to be super fun. just wait and see. more later.

death cab for cutie.
jamie's going to let me come with him to see death cab for cutie. actually, he knows he just can't stop me from coming. so i'm coming, as long as i don't have anything going on that day.

garden state.
i REALLY want to see this movie. i hope it's showing somewhere like anderson or greenville.

August 31, 2004


finally ordered the new ben folds ep online. it's the last of a 3 ep series.

i also finally moved back to erskine. got here sunday afternoon. much to my dismay, the beds in our dorm room were not lofted; we had been assured that they would be. this posed an interesting problem when attempting to fanagle the futon into the overly-crowded room. we did it, but it was sad looking. fortunately, when steph and i returned from classes this afternoon, our beds were not only lofted, but arranged in a suitable manner. all because we have the awesomest r.d. who gets things done. so, the room it situated, decorated, and being lived in as we speak.

first day of classes turned out well. i like em all. my mondays and wednesdays are going to be pretty full because i start at 8 and only have 1.5 hrs. combined breaks until 4. and i have sinfonia on monday. so, don't mind me if i don't look as cheery on the mondays.

i get to do si for carlos' beginning spanish class, which of course will be fun. and my spanish lit course shouldn't be too bad, since my comprehension is one hundred times better than the last time i had a class with esperanza.

i must say, it's good to be back. i have no classes tomorrow morning. only women's chorale tomorrow afternoon, but i have plenty of reading to keep me busy on the java city couch.

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