August 02, 2003

you know what stinks about being home? the having to leave again part. it really really stinks. at least i only have 1 weeks left. one very long week, i'm sure. i'm just ready to be done, but i know i'll survive.

last night i got to see tinkers punishment and biv at new brookland. and vanessa, erin, jamie, laura, and nancy (all counselors from camp) came with me and spent the night at my house afterward. i also saw heather, josh, tim and justin eason there, but didn't get to hang with anyone too long. but it's cool cause i'll be back in one week. i really enjoyed the show, though. biv even played a couple of jump songs ("madness", "ordinary girl" and "utopian sky").

and now i'm hanging with the rents before i head back to jail--i mean--camp. latah.

July 30, 2003

well, i'm much better now, thank you! last night i had a great night out. starting with spinach and artichoke dip and a meal at casey jones, walmart (picked up some great pictures), and the coffee shop downtown where erin, jamie and i played pythagorus (an enthralling game where you have to make things out of shapes). we had a blast. drama's been going really well. AND i learned how to belay today. that's right. i actually had girls on the climbing wall putting their lives in my hand while i tethered them from the ground. i'm really excited now because we just got a climbing wall at erskine, and hopefully i can belay there now. so, it's been a great day all around.

by the way: i'll be at new brookland this friday night. be there or be square.

July 28, 2003

a group of us before our dance with camp carolina last wed night. (i'm smack in the middle.)
so, besides feeling like i've been hit by a truck and the fact that my elbow is swollen to the size of a small baseball, the beginning of my final session here at keystone is going swell. i've been sick the past coupla days, and it's killing me. i went to bed way early last night, had to miss some evening activities, and i'm high on benedryll as of right now. and i got stung by a wasp in pisgah forest this past weekend, and i'm having some sort of reaction, so that's fun too.

my new kids seem cool. one of them loves jump, little children! (yay!) and her family is moving to charleston, so i told her i'd meet her for shows there. is it strange that i want to hang out with my 14-year-old camper? she's really cool, so i think not.

my ex co-counselor (jordan) went home on friday, which was sad. today i got a package from her with brownies and a copy of the live cd that we had been listening to. hearing it reminds me of her! i still haven't found out about my time off yet, but i should get a schedule tonight. i'll keep ya posted. later for now.

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