September 19, 2004

i wear my sunglasses at night.

sb and i went to charleston this weekend. we spent the night in lexington on friday and then drove down to chucktown yesterday; came back to erskine last night. we walked the market and check out stores along king street, met adam powell for lunch, caught up with mark, womack, becca and bethany, and went to the aquarium with jamin. good times. and, of course, i toted my camera along. check out the photos here. do it. now.

sad day.
friday night, while we were watching the count of monte cristo at my house, my dog started having a seizure. He was just chilling between sb and i when, the next thing i knew, he lost most control of his back legs. dad put him in the kitchen, just in case he lost control of other muscels. before i went to bed, i went to say goodnight to chips (that's the dog). i was petting him when all of the sudden, he freaks out and his whole little body spasms. it was like a real seizure. it only lasted a few seconds, but it scared the crap out of me. it made me really sad, too. i think mom and dad are going to put him on some medicine that will hopefully help.

happy day: the power of prayer.
so, dad's whole department at ncr (the company he works with) was laid off and friday was supposed to be his last "official" day on the job (his department hadn't actually been going to work...there wasn't any point if their work was obsolete anyhow). he's been putting applications in at other ncr departments and other companies, but to no avail. dad went into the office on friday to sign the papers that say he's no longer an employee of ncr and take away his retirement and insurance and such. at 4:30, he got a call from someone at ncr offering him a job! they had to call to stop the papers from going through, and dad starts on monday. it's a different job, and he says it'll be challenging, but he's really looking forward to it. i had asked my bible study and church and some other people to pray for his job search. God really is faithful. maybe it shouldn't take something like this to remind me of that, but i really do appreciate anyone who prayed for my dad. basically, he just got a stressful 2-week vacation.

i WILL graduate with honors...
...or, at least i hope so. i spent some time on friday convincing charlene haynes and dr. weatherman that they should let me attempt an honors thesis in spanish, even though the paperwork for it was due last semester. i honestly had no idea (i was out of the country and all). they cut me some slack, as long as i have the forms in by wednesday. needless to say, i have to have my topic for the paper decided upon by that time. fortunately, i had already been thinking about it and have a couple of ideas i'm stewing. this'll add another 4 hours next semester, but i think i can swing it.

directed study.
i also convinced carlos to let me format my own directed study course for next semester. i need another spanish literature course. the one offered in the spring can count as either a civ. or lit. course, which leads me to believe that it won't be too heavy on the lit. end. so, i asked carlos if i could study baroque spanish playwrights next semester. he says he has a book i can use and i can decide how many hours i want the course to count for (depending on how many plays i read). i'm such a nerd, as my roommate so estutely pointed out, and i'm so excited.

social life? what's that?
i won't really have much of one this week. i just realized on friday that i have to have all of my act one lines for the play memorized by next monday (the 27th). memorized = know the lines and the signs and the cues by heart. gulp.

steph did some planning at home this weekend, and next saturday we're going shopping for bridesmaids' dresses. yes i'm excited. she asked me to be her maid of honor, which i'm thrilled about. my high school friend julieann is getting married next month, but the wedding's in virginia, so i won't be able to attend. her shower's next sunday in lexington. so, that means i'll be going home for the second weekend in a row. but i won't head home till saturday evening.

and, i'm out. sorry if this was boring, but at least now you know what's going on, since i've primarily been mia. ciao, bella!

Good to hear your father got a new job, my dad was in a similar situation a few years ago, his whole plant was closing and he had no where to go, except cincinati (or however you spell it), which was unacceptable, because it is a horrible place and was out of work for about three weeks before he found another job.
That is good to hear. Hope all goes well with your Father in the future. By the way...happy birthday! Selah!
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