August 27, 2004
further seems forever.
i saw these guys last night. along with salem, brandston, and the kicks at headliners in the vista. i've never really hung out much in the vista, but headliners is a good venue. i went with heather and met up with jamie and a friend of heather's there. it's always nice to go to shows with people.
i saw these guys last night. along with salem, brandston, and the kicks at headliners in the vista. i've never really hung out much in the vista, but headliners is a good venue. i went with heather and met up with jamie and a friend of heather's there. it's always nice to go to shows with people.
columbia night life theory.
i figure there's a progression to the whole columbia night life. when you're young, like early on in high school, and if you're down with the "scenesters", then you hang out on state street at new brookland tavern, the courtyard, and cafe stroodle. if you're not so down with the scenesters, you'll probably hang out at the rush's in lexington after football games or at the mall. once you get in college (assuming you're attending usc) and obtain a fake i.d. or actually turn 21, you start spending your evenings in five points at places like delaney's, speak easy, the village idiot, and so on. or, if you're a skank-ho, you'll prefer places akin to rafters. ok, so my friend anita says once you stop needing to go out to hook up with someone (if you already have a significant other or, i suppose, feel you're above that), then you hang out in the vista. this is pretty much all along gervais street. there are plenty of high-class places, but there's also places like banana joe's, which i've never been to, but hear is quite dodgy. i think, after that (and if you're actually making good money), you probably go to places like meritage, a swank spanish tapas bar which i want to go to, but is really expensive. but, dagnabit, if i date someone from cola town, they'd better take me there sometime.
goodbye, pipeline. hello, erskine!
it's my last day at work. i'm not too sad because this means it's time for school to start. yay, school! looking at the pictures of the little freshmeats makes me wanna be at erskine real bad. i miss my java city couch, which is where you'll find me between all my classes. two of the ladies i've become closest to here at work gave me little gifts; they're so sweet. lynne gave me a book with a home-made bookcover and the sweetest card ever. monica gave me a little glass heart dish. it's a replica of the depression glass. i also got two free meals out just for leaving. man, i should leave the pipeline more often. of course, on my last day, there are a bunch of big-wigs coming in for a meeting. hopefully they won't bug me too much after we've set out the snack tables for them.
i had some coffee this morning. only about half a mug. i needed it after getting in late last night. it perked me up a bit. so, i think it was legit. but i still haven't had sodas or tea or junkfood (ok, i did have a brownie that monica made, but that was just being polite).
watch out, claire danes.
does anyone know who ben lee is? if you answered "yes", please answer the following: would you be interested in going to see him in atlanta on sunday, october 3rd? i seriously might send out a root email about this to erskine folks. i'm sure i won't have much luck, but i desperately want to see this guy, and i'm skeptical about driving in atlanta by myself at night, so i'll try to find a companion or two. (oh, in reference to the subtitle: ben lee's been dating claire danes for like 6 or 7 years now.)