December 08, 2003

ok it's exam week. dun dun duuuun. i had shakespeare this morning, which actually wasn't so bad. tomorrow i'll turn in the oh-so-difficult sociology exam and then steph and i are off to greenville for the afternoon and evening for some fun-filled shopping and our contemporary american novel exam. which is a discussion at barnes and noble. yeah.

then i gotta work on the ole spanish paper, which esperanza tore to shreds.

thanks for making my birthday fun, all who participated. i kind of dread my birthday every year because people will try to make it special and i'm just like, it's a day that i was providentially born on. that's all. just give me stuff. that's all i ask.

so i went shopping with mom saturday in anderson then hung out with jesse and luke that night after doing some studying. sunday after church we went out for lunch and i got a free desert, but no drinky-drinky because it was sunday. then sunday night i was beckoned out of the library media room to steph, ben, and justin outside with some cupcakes. they were holding one that was flaming with 21 candles. so that made me happy. and tonight i went to santa fe with ben, terry, and justin, and i had my first drink as a 21-yr-old. a margarita. it was alright.

then i came back to the room to watch edward scissorhands because i didn't feel like studying. and i think i'll go to bed soon and get up early to turn the test in and get crackin on some papers. um. and that's about it.

steph got me almost famous. i can't wait to watch it. again. and terry got me led zeppelin 3 because he remembered i wanted some zeppelin. terry, you're so cool.
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