December 03, 2003


rice cake
stolen candy
miniature baby ruth
sprite remix i'll stop and get some mcnuggets before church tonight.

i kinda missed lunch because of a meeting with dr. little. she thinks my double major is very feasible. i need to look into taking one of my gen ed. courses in summer school, though. that'll lighten the load a bit. and i'll have to do directed study for one literature course. but i really want this double major. that way i'll have two options for graduate school.

i've gotten more compliments on my winter ball article in the paper than any other. it's sort of simple-vignette style. but it's weird because it probably took the least amount of effort to write. and people keep saying how much they liked it. even esperanza. crazy.

this paragraph means nothing to you. so don't read it. it's true. i didn't complete my list of tasks yesterday. i only partially-finished one. but i was practically working non-stop. besides, i completed more of the saul bellow profile than i had expected. today i'll have to buckle down. again.

i'm about to head over to mccain to watch a shakespeare video before leaving a little early for anderson (gotta run some errands before youth group). oh, and sb, i'll be praying for you.

estimated bedtime: 3am.
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