September 26, 2003

blogger is being ridiculously stupid.

i was sitting here wondering what to blog. i remembered how when i was younger i used to stand in front of the bathroom mirrors and perform little monologues and dialogues (i played both characters) in front of it, scrutinizing my facial expressions and tone. and if i knew someone might hear me, i'd do it really quietly or turn on the fan. and then i thought about how dr little better get her act together with the shakespeare thing. but it's kind of going to stink because we'll only get to have about 2 scenes a piece. there are tons of freshmen interested in theatre. what? theatre competition at erskine? time to bring out the big elementary school mirror monologue expressions. "mirror monologue" i like that.

the intelligent and surprisingly fast surprisingly pulled it off tonight. the all-star team won the intramural championships against a piddly freshman team. ok, so they weren't so piddly. but they were dirty. and most of them pretty good. i didn't play, mostly because i suck too much for terry to risk putting me in. but i was screaming my little lungs out on the sidelines. man it was an exciting game. overtime and d bate scored the winning goal with about 1 min overtime left. man, we get tshirts.

if i could ever hope to match the social greatness of new brookland/courtyard, i've found that match in java city, due west. sit there for a few hours, and you get in all your social time for the week. i love the atmosphere. except maybe for that one couch. it's crazy on that one couch. i can't wait to see new brookland next friday though.

we're leaving for the ruf retreat tomorrow. i don't know who we're riding with. but man it's going to be fun. it'll be like being at camp, but i'll be a camper again. yessss. and chrl will be there. and johnny will be there. it just gets better and better...

went to best buy today with the boys and bought a promise ring cd (one of the earlier emo bands...but they don't sound like the emo you're thinking of) and a nick drake cd. his final 1972 release that is. he's the guy that sings the song from the volkswagon commercial (the one about the pink moon). it's so mellow and calming. and yes i am happy with my purchases so stop making fun of my music.

i've got a lot of work to do next week. but i'm not worried. i'm too happy to be worried.
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