February 14, 2003

can't stop the spirits when they need you
this life is more than just a read thru

-red hot chili peppers "you can't stop"

dude...has anyone else seen the new chili peppers video, "you can't stop"? you need to. it kicks. the song itself is great, and the video is just fabulous (in my opinion). i should've caught the guy's name, but the stuff in the video was inspired by some artist's work called "on minute statues" (i think...have to check on that). it was quite bizarre. i think it was an improvement on the weak video for "the zephyr song."

anyhoo, i might start staying up a little later. all things rock is on mtv, with all the videos i rarely get to see (such as the used's "buried alive"). of course, i have been quite a bum today. i've been in my pj's for the better part of the evening, watching tv and working on some spanish during commercials. ah, well.

plan for this weekend: heading home tomorrow. kit and brayer are coming along and we're going to see justin eason's band tomorrow night at new brookland tavern. saturday i'll probably do some chilling with the madre. saturday evening, it's back to new brookland to see tigerbot hesh (since i'll be missing them at the switchfoot show). church sunday before heading back here. somewhere in there i should probably get some work done. hm...
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